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Showing posts from June, 2021

We are formally writing to request the council or the appropriate department to examine how c has been treated, spoken to, physically handled, supported or provided attention.

      Dear Joanna(CEO of Surrey)   Hope all is well.   We are formally  writing asking the supervisors to be supervised, in the interim and request   the council or the appropriate department to examine   how c has been treated, spoken to, physically handled, supported or provided  appropriate positive  educational attention. Consistent with his specific needs   Given the obvious trauma and extreme distress witnessed today at the school, we will pause for two days and will bring C to school on Monday next week.   This will give the school two school days and a weekend break to put measures in place to ensure C feels welcome, well, protected, reassured but most of all enjoys and wants to stay in school and learn. It will also allow him space to ascertain his well being and state of mind away from school-on-school days. Today   After months of being extremely keen, this morning C again did not stay and appeared traumatised when we approached the school entrance. I put

Freedom of Information request - Qualifications of those working in Send at surrey council and South Camberley primary and infant school

  Surrey County Council Freedom of Information request - Qualifications of those working in Send at surrey council and South Camberley primary and infant school Dear Surrey County Council, Could you please furnish details of the qualifications and experience held by those working within the SEND department, education department and social work department where the person has decision making authority when conducting reports, writing plans, answering letters etc. this would include but is not limited to, Assistants, Team Leaders, Managers, caseworkers, monitoring officers and social workers including disabled person's team who work with 0-25 year olds. Could you please provide similar information requested above in respect of south Camberley primary and infant school In order to allow the identity of the individual to remain private please supply the information in the form of: Job Title: Qualifications held: Experience in SEND and / or education: This information is subject to a fr

C, a five year old child at SouthCamberley for two consecutive days does not want to enter the school building two days in a row

For the last almost three months the school , surrey council , south Camberley school, a governor et al, have been repeatedly informed of the acute need for immediate adequate day to day support for c's educational needs as required by statute.    He started in April 2021 due to lock down etc.   Background   C has been locked out of the building on several occasions(videos), we have witnessed him being physically handled, a teacher confiscated his favourite source of respite, his red bus, we were told that he was largely left to play with his red bus, he was limited to 30 minutes of school time for a week , later two hours and only did two to three days of increased attendance by 2hrs.   Above all, the school has resisted to date any meaningful support to address his core needs which is around speech and communication.    He doesn't have a speech therapist at school , a play therapist or necessary timely assistance at day to day level to enable him to enjoy, love or want to be

Only 5% of state school governors in England from ethnic minorities – report

'Boards need to reflect and understand the communities they serve and wider society,” said the NGA. “It is the responsibility of everyone in and working with governance to move this forward'. Only 5% of state school governors in England from ethnic minorities – report Exclusive: Poll finds figures are almost identical to a government study more than 20 years ago Sally Weale  Education correspondent Tue 29 Jun 2021 06.00.  Just 5% of governors in state schools in England are from minority ethnic backgrounds – a figure which has remained virtually unchanged for the last 20 years, according to a new report shared exclusively with the Guardian. A poll by the  National Governance Association  (NGA) found that 93% of school governors are white, while just 1% are black, a further 1% are of mixed ethnicity and 3% are Asian. The remainder are “other” or prefer not to say. According to the NGA, the figures are almost identical to when it started to collect data in 2015 and to a governmen

Mediation and June Letter from the school governor

Dear Joanna (CEO of Surrey CC) Hope all is well in these unprecedented times for many families and individuals. We are writing to let you know about two points:  a)Meeting outcome  b) Concerning letter from the school governor to our family by special delivery. We write directly to you because we feel it is important for your office to be fully aware of the current state of affairs. Which is also direct feedback from particular parents and how that may influence immediate policy and decision making for other schools, parents and children. The Meeting There was some incremental progress following a meeting mediated by the regional school lead. In terms of the hours of attendance( 8:35 to 12:15 for two days and from Monday pick up 1:15). However, the school has still NOT provided C with support to address his core need which is communication. This still remains a matter of urgent serious concern and we seek your further assistance. It is affecting C' s day to day education and effect

C at school door not opened for over four minutes after bell was rang at around 8:50am. Very upset and cried. At South Camberley Primary, Nursery and Infant

  Today, C was unusually keen to go to school. We left early and slow walked as much as we could and even at some point in the morning sunshine took a break at our usual spots for C to have some fruits and relax. Despite all that he was getting agitated by the slow pace and we got to school at around 8:50am.  We rang the bell and the intercom asked how they can help us. We announced that we were dropping off a child. The lady very pleasantly said she will let those concerned know. As the minutes ticked by C couldn't understand why we were standing outside and not being let in. He cried and got distressed and no one came. Until almost five minutes later. So already c was distressed and upset by the time he started school. Totally avoidable and unnecessary. Not the first time. See 7th June and other times, which the school, governor and council were notified with a video.

FAO: Mrs Wrights and School Governors( headteacher and southcamberley respectively)

Dear Mrs Wrights and  School Governors of South Camberley We are writing in relation to the growing concerns of how the lack of immediate appropriate support is detrimentally affecting C at school. It seems that  the C is  not taught(or at least in comparison to his peers) or generally left to his own device to play with his red bus. As opposed to the provision of appropriate speech and language support, play therapist or educational psychologist or other needs.  This predictably is affecting him as we get constant negative reports on a regular basis.   What is also concerning is the increasing low expectation and in some cases almost deliberate triggers for him.  Today, i spoke to his teacher who stated that she refused him to take a red toy bus home which he returns the next morning. He also often brings  a red bus from home which he leaves at school. He has a very strong attachment to his red bus  which he carries to bed, bath etc. Its a theraputical soothing due to his special nee

Update FAO of School Governors

 Dear School Governors of South Camberley Primary A s an update I had just a telephone call with Mrs Maxine Kurzberg who confirmed that there has been NO support for the C as described or requested since his start of school.  She also worryingly stated that the C will not be provided by a School  speech therapist and she doesn't know how long that will take. There is also no play therapist or child educational psychologist, all of which are advertised on the school website.  So  the question remains as to why almost a year later of preparation for his start of school, or after over two months of attendance, these basic support requirements are is not in place.  Asked why she made reference to our concerns with Elizabeth Gunner. , which are well documented. Such as her reference to what could be described as a medical diagnosis, limit of 2hrs of school only and transfer of C to a mainstream school, among other concerns she raised in her discredited report. Asked why the school cann

FAO: Governors Reminder for update on complaint and evidence of speech, play therapist and other support for a five year old child C at South Camberley

  Dear Governors of South Camberley   We hope all is well.   Just a note to follow up on our email/note of 17th June 2021 about the same matter.   To date we have not received any update regarding the complaint and the current immediate support in terms of speech and language therapist and play therapist and inclusion with adequate educational support or supervision, as opposed to what could be perceived to be consistent with 'policing'.   We are concerned that the current lack of immediate support is creating an environment where C is acutely disadvantaged and is instead repeatedly labelled as potentially unteachable in that environment. Which would be consistent with the discredited report by, an individual called Elizabeth Gunner, a speech therapist, who gave what could be considered, to potentially amount to a medical diagnosis; stated that he should not be in mainstream schooling; and his hours of school attendance should remain to be 2hrs.   Could you

Request for an update from South Camberley Primary, Nursery and Infants Governors

  Dear South Camberley Primary School Governors J ust  a note for an update following confirmed receipt our complaint (re attached) what the next steps. We explained why the complaint is for the attention of your offices.  We noted the reference to formS appendices B and D. The form is a PDF and part of a document that is inseparable.  In any case we would simply state on the form that please see the attached details. Our contact details and addresses are known to the school. Therefore, we kindly wish to reiterate that all these documents and those sent to you form part and parcel of the complaint. Which is set out as tittled resepectively. The subjects of the complaints are the senior members of staff namely Mr Jonny Franks and Mrs Maxine Kurzberg while Mrs Wrights has never responded to us ,despite several emails.  Is it unreasonable to deduce that some of the arguably detrimental actions or omissions, since our complaints/concerns, towards C, could be inconsistent with the equality