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C, a five year old child at SouthCamberley for two consecutive days does not want to enter the school building two days in a row

For the last almost three months the school , surrey council , south Camberley school, a governor et al, have been repeatedly informed of the acute need for immediate adequate day to day support for c's educational needs as required by statute. 


He started in April 2021 due to lock down etc.




C has been locked out of the building on several occasions(videos), we have witnessed him being physically handled, a teacher confiscated his favourite source of respite, his red bus, we were told that he was largely left to play with his red bus, he was limited to 30 minutes of school time for a week , later two hours and only did two to three days of increased attendance by 2hrs.


Above all, the school has resisted to date any meaningful support to address his core needs which is around speech and communication.


 He doesn't have a speech therapist at school , a play therapist or necessary timely assistance at day to day level to enable him to enjoy, love or want to be in school. He has always been keen to go to school from day one. So this is a worrying development.
In a meeting around the 23 June 2021( see below) attended by Mr Franks and Mrs Kurzberg, the school maintained their stance that they will not be providing additional support. 


In fact, Mr Franks, insisted rather worryingly that, he/ school cannot guarantee the safety of C during the additional lunch time hour. Others can make their own judgement about that.
Last week again, the C was locked out for around 4mins 19secs. Upset and crying. The parents/ s have been shouted at most memorably on the 20th 4 2021 around 855am when they dropped C off. The second day of his attendance.


The teacher(April 2021 after 19th ), Mr Franks(19th April21 between 9 and 10am) and Mrs Kurzberg(17thMay21) have stated from day one( that he shouldn't be there, hours should not be increased, should be in a special needs school, is largely left alone, among other pronouncements. 


We pointed out to Mrs Kurzberg et al, that cumulatively the detrimental impact of these actions or inactions will be reflected in the way he feels, expresses himself and how he responds towards his peers in that setting. Predictably that appears to be what is unfolding.


We also had been in constant contact, briefing and planning for C's school start since over a year ago. 


But the welcome we observed and experienced, has been a negative mix of hostility, denial of support, delay of support, locking the child out and how he was on a number of occasions physically handled. 


Not to mention, Elizabeth Gunner, the SPLT who diagnosed him( no evidence of suitable medical qualification provided to date), stated hours should not be increased and should be sent to a special needs school, among other concerns.


So again, today, just like yesterday, C all of sudden got agitated and distressed when we got to school and refused to go in despite best efforts and enticements for almost half an hour. He grabbed on to the hand as we branched to the school. Then grew more and more agitated when we got to the door. He was uncharacteristically pushing me away from the school door which was opened to entice him and toys put on the floor. He did not want to take the hand of one of the ladies that normally takes him. After his increasingly getting distressed for almost an hour we left. 

            This is a shift from days when he was knocking on the door to be let in to now looking physically traumatised and not wanting to go into school. What happened?  

I had noticed emerging anxiety in the last two weeks as we approached the school trying to divert me from going to the school towards the park. 


Key questions


When are the school going to implement the recommendations of the paediatrician, to offer communication support?
  • So what made C change from a very keen child to refusing to go into school? 

  • Why even up to now are the school refusing all the appropriate
  •  support he must have for his core needs to enable him to attend, enjoy and stay in school?

  • What impact did the last two months or so and his experience have on his current refusal to go into school?

  • What immediate educational steps will the council take to cater for his education? 

  • What is the role of department of education in this?

  • What is the role of Ofsted in ensuring that children in the same circumstances as c are not disadvantaged on a day to day basis?

  • Given our total lack of faith, confidence and trust in the school and / or the impartiality of the governor based on what we believe to be unwarranted attacks on parents raising legitimate concerns in real time,  in his specially delivered letter of 19th 
  • April 2021, what supervisory and immediate remedial steps are 
  • there for the education of C, by  surrey council?

For and on behalf o c