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Mediation and June Letter from the school governor

Dear Joanna (CEO of Surrey CC)

Hope all is well in these unprecedented times for many families and individuals.

We are writing to let you know about two points:

 a)Meeting outcome 

b) Concerning letter from the school governor to our family by special delivery.

We write directly to you because we feel it is important for your office to be fully aware of the current state of affairs.

Which is also direct feedback from particular parents and how that may influence immediate policy and decision making for other schools, parents and children.

The Meeting

There was some incremental progress following a meeting mediated by the regional school lead.

In terms of the hours of attendance( 8:35 to 12:15 for two days and from Monday pick up 1:15).

However, the school has still NOT provided C with support to address his core need which is communication.

This still remains a matter of urgent serious concern and we seek your further assistance. It is affecting C' s day to day education and effective inclusion. We don't understand the school's stance.

However, we agreed to meet again in two weeks time. 

But it remains our immediate concern that there is a visceral disconnect between what the school writes or informs others in formal polite settings and what it does. Which ultimately has an ongoing visible detrimental impact on C at school and how that may affect his interaction and education or development.

We are thankful for the efforts  of those who assisted and  their continuing support.

The letter

In response to a letter of around19 June 2021 sent by recorded delivery from the South Camberley school governor.

We  are somewhat concerned about its tone, content, ultimatum given. It is our expectation, that as someone to whom we complained, in his capacity as a governor, he or she should be seen to be impartial.

Its an unfortunate that the sense we get is, that appears unfeasible based on the tone, content and ultimatums in the letter.

We note the tone, contents and underlying sentiments to say the least.

We further note  the central, overriding objective of ensuring that C is accorded the statutory and human rights stipulations, in respect of his immediate needs and support to allow him to attain and attend FT education.

Consistent with the Children's Education Act of 2014, Equality Act 2010, HRA 98, ECHR and other international obligations associated with the rights of children, education and racial minority rights.

On balance, we don't think it is helpful  or it assists the overarching objective and overriding interests of C's education, and well being at school, or our collective human dignity, as a family to respond to the various assertions in the letter. 

But broadly, we contend that we brought our concerns, complaints and observations in good faith for the best interests, development and well being of the C, vis -a vis his education.

Our requests for a meeting to the governor were not responded to since around April 2021. To date no governor has ever met us or addressed out concerns directly to us. In particular the day to day needs of C to enable him to enjoy, learn and want to stay at school.

Our correspondence is firm and is professional and is evidence or context based. Where individuals are referred to , its due to the probative, descriptive and evidential value.

We don't and never engage in personal attacks or insults even in instances where patently false claims have been made or when we have been physically shouted by school staff inexplicably(20.4.2021 btn 855am and 900am).

Our correspondence reflects the degree of a sense of urgency,  it is in context with almost daily issues that arise when C attends school, as narrated by staff, and in response to specific or contextual correspondence from the relevant parties, as appropriate, both in tone and substance.

We write very advisedly although it may not always be obvious to the reader.

The requests for acknowledgement of C' s immediate needs as he attends school daily, are consistent with the need for remedial action for the benefit of C, his peers and the staff.

An inaccurate reference in the letter was made around our raising the issue of examining  whether race is an arguable central or contributory or peripheral factor.

This not an accusation of racism per se, towards an individual or institution as a whole, but to invite critical introspection, and the extent to which this may or may not be a contributory factor. In a positive manner.Those are totally two different things. 

This was accompanied by official reports from civil society, public records, the media(BBC , Guardian) and central government publications in highlighting the outcomes or disproportionate detrimental outcomes of racial minorities in the education system. 

Such as black children/ students. While that issue is historical it also resonates today for many black families. Its an undisputable well documented fact.

In fact, we refer to the email and an apology from or on behalf of the Surrey CEO, who acknowledged incorrect information provided to her. The email is self evident. 

We were surprised at the ultimatums in the letter and found them to be arguably incompatible with the spirit and impartiality of a fiduciary or trustee, such as a governor of a school.

Especially in light of the context of parents who feel and have well founded concerns or complaints about the lack of support of a five year old with specific needs who has just started school and feel ignored, in a hostile and   unwelcoming environment.

We have since discovered  thousands upon thousands of families with similar experiences, and its therapeutically to share experiences and offer support to each other in various forums as appropriate in any democratic society. Without permission, deference or qualification.

Ordinarily, it would be a routine expectation that persons in a fiduciary or trustee relationship would not only strive to be seen to be impartial but demonstrate that they are impartial.

Most importantly, we hoped  that this would be taken as an opportunity to learn lessons and as feedback for the improvement of the wider community or school. 

We are disappointed that based on the letter, it would be appear that our concerns were not taken in that context.

However, we are encouraged that the governor appeared to take up , eventually, our request for a meeting.  Although it is unfortunate and were surprised, that an inference was raised that he would terminate the meeting, if it fell below standards or words to that effect. 

Its not clear why that would arise at least from our perspective.

Therefore, we hope as a teachable moment, the current concerns raised, would provide the school with the opportunity to review its inclusion, support systems for kids like C, timely acknowledgement of concerns with an interim roadmap, its cultural competence and diversity in all pillars of the school, to reflect the  rich diverse community it serves.

Above all, we hope there will be a willingness to actively listen and positively listen to parents concerns, lived experiences and fears and expectations. We would also recommend more transparency and timely disclosure of what it can meaningfully provide within the law.

Finally, it is always part of inclusion and a demonstration of positivity, when the lived experiences of parents in general but in particular those with kids with special needs, especially those from historically structurally marginalised backgrounds, are not perceived to be dismissed or invalidated. 

We are happy to assist the school  to improve in the areas mentioned above. 

For and on behalf of C