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Request for an update from South Camberley Primary, Nursery and Infants Governors

 Dear South Camberley Primary School Governors

Just  a note for an update following confirmed receipt our complaint (re attached) what the next steps.

We explained why the complaint is for the attention of your offices. 

We noted the reference to formS appendices B and D. The form is a PDF and part of a document that is inseparable.  In any case we would simply state on the form that please see the attached details.

Our contact details and addresses are known to the school. Therefore, we kindly wish to reiterate that all these documents and those sent to you form part and parcel of the complaint. Which is set out as tittled resepectively.

The subjects of the complaints are the senior members of staff namely Mr Jonny Franks and Mrs Maxine Kurzberg while Mrs Wrights has never responded to us ,despite several emails. 

Is it unreasonable to deduce that some of the arguably detrimental actions or omissions, since our complaints/concerns, towards C, could be inconsistent with the equality act, as alleged victimisation?

Therefore we wish to reiterate that for all the reasons indicated, where our concerns and formal complaints were ignored, or not reasonably addressed.

ie among others :
  • where the child continues to be arguably unlawfully excluded from FT education, 
  • where Mr Franks it is arguable based on his responses allegedly unlawfully denied C  or said he would deny C access to a school provided SPLT(using totally false claims), or words to that effect, 
  • after our serious concerns about the unacceptable actions of Ms Elizabeth Gunner, 
  • where false information was given to the CEO's office or representative, 
  • a child being locked (outside) see video sent to you
  • and an overall toxic, degrading and dehumanising environment we have been subjected to in specific instances.

Most importantly, it is not an internal matter, or local matter when any child, in this case a black five year old with specific needs, is allegedly denied fair, equal and appropriate access to education, verifiable evidence of meaningful inclusion and the necessary expected basic support. 

Especially when done in the  allegedly seemingly arbitrary, vague, insidious, informal and non transparent manner it appears to be effected.

All historical evidence would appear to suggest that this is arguably consistent with structural inequality in which race, racial attitudes and stereotypes are  arguable perceived contributory factors.

Furthermore, on or around the 11th June 2021, Mr Jonny Franks sent a long awaited answers for basic questions. 

He stated as was earlier agreed that he would then set up a meeting. A week later, this has not happened,  while making we understand, false claims are reportedly being made that we rejected meetings or words to that effect.

This is consistent with what would appear to be deliberate delays, procrastination and obfuscation for the last several weeks from the school, and the named individuals in particular.

In the meantime,  since 19th April 2021, when he started school, a child remains unlawfully excluded from FT education with no evidence of basic support that is standard to other children. For demograhic emphasis, he is a five year old black child.

Any parent would find this unacceptable and it is arguable that the cumulative detrimental impact amounts to alleged unlawful actions, omissions or commissions. Therefore, it is not an internal matter or local matter.

We look forward to an update on the complaint and the current immediate institution of the FT support and attendance of notwithstanding the separate complaint. No C should be unlawfully disadvantaged because of this especially a C with his needs. 

Especially when the folks entrusted with public resources for children are acting in actively disputed patterns.

Kindly acknowledge receipt and the next steps.